Initially I had some difficulties at finding the motivation for bachelor's thesis but finally I was able to find subject that was pretty interesting. In the University of Oulu there is a milling machine. My subject was to desing a system that enables monitoring of the machine remotely. When the machine is turned on, the system sends a notification about the event.

I used the Arduino NodeMCU microcontroller which has a Wifi-connectivity. NodeMCU uses digital input to detect when the machine is turned on and sends the information to cloud service called Ubidots.

I think the system is quite ingenious when considering the simplicity and the price. The same principle of the system can be extended to monitor what ever wanted, not just on/off information.

Afterwards I think I could have discussed more about other applications the system could be used for in the thesis, but I was losing my motivation for writing and just wanted to get the thesis done. I also could have discussed more about information security because I am very intrested about cyber security area and I think that it is a subject that importance of it is not understood well enough.